
سه شنبه 5 فروردين 1404


Jenway انگلستان

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دیگر » Jenway انگلستان

دستگاه فلوریمتر مدل 6280 ساخت کمپانی Jenway


• High quality optics: pulsed xenon lamp and Total Energy Transfer (TET)
• Intelligent Filter Modules ensure correct filters are fitted for selected method
• Intuitive programming allows fast program creation
• Raw fluorescence or concentration values options
• Standard curve and kinetic functions
• Heated sample holder and sipper pump accessories
• Compatible with DataWay PC software

The 6280 fluorimeter model is ideal for the most sensitive determinations with emission wavelengths up to 650nm. With press-to-read operation and Total Energy Transfer (TET) technology the output of the high-energy xenon lamp is maximised and its expected life extended so that it should never need replacing within the normal lifetime of the unit. The high quality optics are complemented by the Intelligent Filter Modules (IFM) that are identified by the unit, generating error messages should the wrong filters be fitted or their positions be incorrect.

Full product specification.

Parameter 6270 6280 6285
Wavelength range 190 to 1100nm 190 to 650nm 190 to 850nm
Sensitivity1 1µg/ml <1ng/ml <1ng/ml
Dynamic range1 5.2x104 5.2x106 5.2x106
Detector Photodiode PMT2 PMT2

الکترود اکسیژن محلول (DO) ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Dissolved oxygen probe with automatic temperature control /522023B
Jenway انگلستان
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سل کانداکتیویتی ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Ultra-pure water conductivity probe /027900
Jenway انگلستان
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سل کانداکتیویته ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass free/epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=10)027213
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass free/epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=1) /027212
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ( کانداکتیویتی) ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass free/epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=0.1) /027211
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass bodied conductivity cell (K=1) /027013
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass bodied conductivity cell (K=0.1) /027113
Jenway انگلستان
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سل کانداکتیویته ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=10) for use with the Enterprise 470 unit /027802
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=1) for use with the Enterprise 470 unit /027298
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=0.1) for use with the Enterprise 470 unit/027801
Jenway انگلستان
۰ تومان
(1 تا 10 از 377)

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