
سه شنبه 5 فروردين 1404


Jenway انگلستان

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دیگر » Jenway انگلستان

دستگاه کالریمتر مدل 6051 ساخت کمپانی Jenway

Colorimeter (230V/50Hz) /605001 

• Wide wavelength range from 400 to 710nm
• Ideal for routine and educational use
• Easy to use and conventional style controls
• Sample flexibility with many size options
• Mains or battery operated

The 6051 is a general purpose colorimeter, equipped with easy-to-use conventional style controls, making it ideal for routine and educational use.

Standard 10mm square cuvettes, semi-micro volume cuvettes, flowthrough or pour in/suck out cells can all be used with the standard sample holder. Excellent sampling flexibility is achieved through the optional cell holder assemblies, allowing the use of 10, 20, and 40mm cells, whilst multiple sampling handling is possible with the four cell carriage. For temperature-dependent measurements a heated cell block is available.

The 6051 colorimeter is supplied with 8 built in filters, 10x10mm cell holder, mains leads and plastic cuvettes (230V/50Hz).

Full product specification.

Feature 6051
Wavelength range 400 to 710nm
Wavelength selection 8 in-built gelatin filters: 430, 470, 490, 520, 540, 580, 600 and 710nm
Measurement ranges 0-100%T, 0-1.50Abs, 0.1 to 1000 Concentration
Resolution 1%T, 0.01Abs, 0.1 to 1 Concentration
Bandwidth Typically 40nm
Blank drift 2%/hr after 15 minute warm-up
Photometric linearity 1%T
Light source Tungsten filament lamp
Output Analogue, 10mV per digit
Power 230V, 50Hz
Size (l x w x d) 300 x 355 x 120mm
Weight 3kg

الکترود اکسیژن محلول (DO) ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Dissolved oxygen probe with automatic temperature control /522023B
Jenway انگلستان
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سل کانداکتیویتی ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Ultra-pure water conductivity probe /027900
Jenway انگلستان
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سل کانداکتیویته ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass free/epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=10)027213
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass free/epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=1) /027212
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ( کانداکتیویتی) ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass free/epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=0.1) /027211
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass bodied conductivity cell (K=1) /027013
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass bodied conductivity cell (K=0.1) /027113
Jenway انگلستان
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سل کانداکتیویته ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=10) for use with the Enterprise 470 unit /027802
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=1) for use with the Enterprise 470 unit /027298
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=0.1) for use with the Enterprise 470 unit/027801
Jenway انگلستان
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(1 تا 10 از 377)

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