
چهارشنبه 6 فروردين 1404


Jenway انگلستان

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دیگر » Jenway انگلستان

اکسیژن محلول مدل 9500 کمپانی Jenway

 9500Bench Dissolved Oxygen Meter /950001 

• Results as % air saturation, % oxygen or mg/l
• Automatic zeroing and calibration
• Atmospheric pressure and salinity correction
• BOD5 measurement and calculation
• RS232 for connection to printer or PC and IrDA for cableless printing option

The 9500 is a research meter designed for use in a number of applications including fish farming/breeding, all forms of aquaculture, environmental analysis, pollution control and effluent management. The 9500 includes powerful data logging capabilities with the ability to store 250 DO2 readings either manually, at timed intervals or on alarmed events. The 9500 also includes full support for the BOD5 day test protocol and has the ability to store up to 20 BOD data sets, each with up to 10 samples.

Full product specification.

Parameter 9500
DO2 range % air saturation 0 to 199%
DO2 range % oxygen saturation 0 to 25.0%
DO2 range concentration (mg/l) 0 to 19.99mg/l
Resolution 1%, 0.1%, 0.01mg/l
Accuracy ±2% within 10°C of calibration temperature
Temperature range –10 to 60°C
Temperature resolution 0.1°C
Temperature accuracy ±0.5°C
ATC/Manual 0 to 60°C
Data Logging 250 readings storage and 20 BOD sets (10 samples per set)
Clock 24 hour, hrs/min/sec or day/month/ year, leap year corrected
GLP Calibration reminder, alarm outputs, security code protected user data
Outputs Analogue, RS232 and IrDA
Connector 7–pin DIN


الکترود اکسیژن محلول (DO) ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Dissolved oxygen probe with automatic temperature control /522023B
Jenway انگلستان
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سل کانداکتیویتی ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Ultra-pure water conductivity probe /027900
Jenway انگلستان
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سل کانداکتیویته ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass free/epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=10)027213
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass free/epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=1) /027212
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ( کانداکتیویتی) ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass free/epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=0.1) /027211
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass bodied conductivity cell (K=1) /027013
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Glass bodied conductivity cell (K=0.1) /027113
Jenway انگلستان
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سل کانداکتیویته ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=10) for use with the Enterprise 470 unit /027802
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=1) for use with the Enterprise 470 unit /027298
Jenway انگلستان
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سل هدایت ساخت کمپانی Jenway
Epoxy bodied conductivity cell (K=0.1) for use with the Enterprise 470 unit/027801
Jenway انگلستان
۰ تومان
(1 تا 10 از 377)

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