
پنجشنبه 23 اسفند 1403



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کوره های بدون صدا با درب فلپی یا درب آسانسوری با عایق آجر مدل L 5/13 - LT 15/13 ساخت کمپانی Nabertherm

Muffle Furnaces with Brick Insulation and Flap Door or Lift Door

L 5/13 - LT 15/13

Heating elements on support tubes radiating freely into the furnace chamber provide for particularly short heating times for these muffle furnaces. Thanks to their robust lightweight refractory brick insulation, they can reach a maximum working temperature of 1300 °C. These muffle furnaces thus represent an interesting alternative to the familiar L(T) 3/11 models, when you need particularly short heating times or a higher application temperature.

  • Tmax 1300 °C
  • Heating from two sides
  • Heating elements on support tubes ensure free heat radiation and a long service life
  • Multi-layer insulation with robust lightweight refractory bricks in the furnace chamber
  • Housing made of sheets of textured stainless steel
  • Dual shell housing for low external temperatures and stability
  • Optional flap door (L) which can be used as work platform or lift door (LT) with hot surface facing away from the operator
  • Adjustable air inlet in the furnace door
  • Exhaust air outlet in rear wall of furnace
  • Solid state relays provide for low-noise operation
  • Defined application within the constraints of the operating instructions

Additional equipment

  • Chimney, chimney with fan or catalytic converter
  • Over-temperature limiter with adjustable cutout temperature for thermal protection class 2 in accordance with EN 60519-2 as temperature limiter to protect the furnace and load
  • Protective gas connection to purge with non-flammable protective or reaction gases
  • Manual or automatic gas supply system
ModelTmaxInner dimensions in mmVolumeOuter dimensions in mmConnectedElectricalWeightMinutes
 °Cwdhin lWDHload kWconnection*in kgto Tmax2
L, LT 5/1313002001701305440470520+22012.41-phase4245
L, LT 9/1313002302401709480550570+29013.01-phase6050
L, LT 15/13130023034017015480650570+29013.51-phase7060

دستگاه آنالیز شیر مدل LACTOSCAN SP options ساخت کمپانی lactoscan
دستگاه آنالیز شیر مدل LACTOSCAN SP options ساخت کمپانی lactoscan
۰ تومان

ویال LCK014 تست COD رنج 1000 تا 10000 ppm
LCK014 COD cuvette test measuring range 1000-10,000 mg/l
HACH آمریکا لیست کلی
۰ تومان

ویال LCK614 رنج 50 تا 300 میلی گرم بر لیتر
LCK 614 COD cuvette test measuring range 50-300 mg/l
HACH آمریکا لیست کلی
۰ تومان

ویال تست COD LCK 514 محدوده 100 تا 2000 ppm
LCK514,COD cuvette test 100-2000 mg/L O2
HACH آمریکا لیست کلی
۰ تومان

کوره مدل HTK 8 W/22-1G ساخت کمپانی Carbolite
Chamber furnace, metal insulation Model HTK 8 w/22-1G
Carbolite انگلستان
۰ تومان

کوره مدل HTK 80 MO/16-1G ساخت کمپانی Carbolite
Chamber furnace, metal insulation Model HTK 80 MO/16-1G
Carbolite انگلستان
۰ تومان

کوره مدل HTK 25 MO/16-1G ساخت کمپانی Carbolite
Chamber furnace, metal insulation Model HTK 25 MO/16-1G
Carbolite انگلستان
۰ تومان

Carbolite انگلستان
۰ تومان

کوره مدل HRF 7/22C ساخت کمپانی Carbolite
Air Recirculating Oven Model HRF 7/22C
Carbolite انگلستان
۰ تومان

Carbolite انگلستان
۰ تومان
(1 تا 10 از 7484)

راه اندازي فروشگاه در Eforosh رايگان است
