
سه شنبه 14 اسفند 1403



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دستگاه فليم فتومتر مدل XP ساخت كمپاني BWBTech انگلستان

21st Century.

The BWB-XP flame photometers are high quality, high performance instruments, employing modern technology to ensure that a customer can measure Na, K, Li, Ca and Ba, very simply but with a high performance.

The flame photometers come as a complete package, and only requires the provision of either propane or butane gas to enable it to be used straight out of its package.



The many built in features of this flamephotometer are


      • Individual detectors for Na, K, Li, Ca and Ba, plus a Flame (IR) Sensor
      • Simultaneous detection and display of all 5 elements
      • Digital processing eliminates the need for internal standard methods.
      • Two point or multi point calibration
      • Choice of calibration units: ppm, mg/l, meq/l, mmol/l
      • Unit retains calibration values when in use.
      • Automatic start up routine
      • Flameout detection and automatic shutdown
      • Self diagnostics on set up.
      • Diagnostic indicators
      • Detection to ensure drain trap filled
      • Modular sub component replacement
      • In built air compressor
      • Electronic air control optimises performance
      • RS232 and USB computer interface
      • Windows based monitoring software 
      • SRM (Simple Reporting Module) that allows PC connection for data logging, GLP reporting format, file retention and internet sharing of data.  FP - PC.
      • Chart recorder output 0-1V full scale
      • Gas regulator fitted
      • Can be used with propane, butane, LPG
      • Universal voltage input
      • CE Compliant
      • Instruction manual and methods book provided.


Included in the software, and available on any of the 5 elements. Achievable on both single and Multi Point calibrations.
Aspiration Rate:3-5.5ml/min
Optimum Range of Filters:
Single Point Calibration: Multi Point Calibration:
 - 60ppm Na
 - 1000ppm
 - 100ppm K
 - 1000ppm
 - 50ppm Li
 - 1000ppm
 - 100ppm Ca
 - 1000ppm
 - 3000ppm
Reproducibility:<1% coefficient of variability for 20 consecutive samples over 30 minutes (after instrument stabilisation) at concentrations of 100ppm or less.
Limits of Detection:
Na 0.02ppm.
K 0.02ppm.
Li  0.05ppm.
Ca  1.0ppm.
Ba 10ppm.
Time to Stability:Less than 15 seconds after sample is introduced into the flame.
Drift:Less than 1% per 30 minutes after instrument stabilisation.
Specifity:Na/K/Li = <0.5% to each other when equal in concentration at <100ppm.
Number of Parameters Measured:Simultaneous display of Na,K,Ca,Li,Ba.
Size51 cm H x 38 cm W x 41cm D

Instrument = 14Kg

Packed Weight = 21Kg


دستگاه آنالیز شیر مدل LACTOSCAN SP options ساخت کمپانی lactoscan
دستگاه آنالیز شیر مدل LACTOSCAN SP options ساخت کمپانی lactoscan
۰ تومان

ویال LCK014 تست COD رنج 1000 تا 10000 ppm
LCK014 COD cuvette test measuring range 1000-10,000 mg/l
HACH آمریکا لیست کلی
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ویال LCK614 رنج 50 تا 300 میلی گرم بر لیتر
LCK 614 COD cuvette test measuring range 50-300 mg/l
HACH آمریکا لیست کلی
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ویال تست COD LCK 514 محدوده 100 تا 2000 ppm
LCK514,COD cuvette test 100-2000 mg/L O2
HACH آمریکا لیست کلی
۰ تومان

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Chamber furnace, metal insulation Model HTK 8 w/22-1G
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کوره مدل HTK 80 MO/16-1G ساخت کمپانی Carbolite
Chamber furnace, metal insulation Model HTK 80 MO/16-1G
Carbolite انگلستان
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کوره مدل HTK 25 MO/16-1G ساخت کمپانی Carbolite
Chamber furnace, metal insulation Model HTK 25 MO/16-1G
Carbolite انگلستان
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Air Recirculating Oven Model HRF 7/22C
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Carbolite انگلستان
۰ تومان
(1 تا 10 از 7484)

راه اندازي فروشگاه در Eforosh رايگان است
