
پنجشنبه 16 اسفند 1403


دستگاههای آنالیتیکال

Additional stainless steel grid (full width)
Additional stainless steel grid (full width)
memmert آلمان
۰ تومان

Bottom drip tray
Bottom drip tray
memmert آلمان
۰ تومان

Additional Chip card blank formatted (32 kB MEMoryCard XL for a maximum of 40 ramps)
Additional Chip card blank formatted (32 kB MEMoryCard XL for a maximum of 40 ramps)
memmert آلمان
۰ تومان

Stainless steel tray (non-perforated) 15 mm rim (may affect the temperature distribution)
Stainless steel tray (non-perforated) 15 mm rim (may affect the temperature distribution)
memmert آلمان
۰ تومان

Test tube rack 4 rows 80 holes 12 mm diameter
Test tube rack 4 rows 80 holes 12 mm diameter
memmert آلمان
۰ تومان

Subframe tubular steel black enamelled
Subframe tubular steel black enamelled
memmert آلمان
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Test tube rack 2 rows 24 holes 14 5 mm diameter
Test tube rack 2 rows 24 holes 14 5 mm diameter
memmert آلمان
۰ تومان

Entry port 120 mm clear diameter special position at back for Model 55
Entry port 120 mm clear diameter special position at back for Model 55
memmert آلمان
۰ تومان

Entry port 14 mm clear diameter special position at the back with flap for Model 55
Entry port 14 mm clear diameter special position at the back with flap for Model 55
memmert آلمان
۰ تومان

Process-dependent electromagnetic door lock only for units with TwinDISPLAY for Model 260
Process-dependent electromagnetic door lock only for units with TwinDISPLAY for Model 260
memmert آلمان
۰ تومان
(551 تا 560 از 1143)

راه اندازي فروشگاه در Eforosh رايگان است
